
Welcome to my As Foundation Portfolio. Here you will find research and planning, construction evidence and evaluation for my foundation portfolio.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Flat Plan Rationale

For my magazine cover I have used the colour pink in the title which means fun and feminine, I have also used blue in the title to make the magazine for all students.  The other colour i have chosen is green as it standout from the page which makes it easier to read. I have chosen these colours to make the magazine for boys and girls which is suitable for my target audience. I have placed  the name of the magazine at the top left as it is the first place you eyes go to. I have placed my mast head underneath the name to grab the readers attention. I have put the writing across the page because it is like the we love pop magazine i got for inspiration therefore i know it will be effective.  I have also used capitals to make it stand out of the page. I have placed the medium close up large image of a student down the right side as it is the main feature of the magazine. I have placed all the other sell lines under the mast head to make the magazine look complete and and not confusing.  My sell line "Top 10 tips for college" shows its is a college magazine for students to buy. It would sell my magazine because people will be intrigued to find out what the tips are. "Freshers Fayre" is another sell line it would sell my magazine because people would what to find out about the events happening in college.  My last sell line is "25% off college hoodies" This would make people buy the magazine because they would want the voucher to save money. I have used a medium close up image of a student on the right of the page I got this idea from the magazine covers I got for inspiration. I am using a medium close up as it shows the main feature of the magazine well. I will use a student in the image as it is a college magazine and will relate to my target audience of students. I have used large font for the title and masthead to make them standout and to draw you attention to the cover. I have used slightly smaller font size for my sell lines to make the name of my magazine and masthead standout more.

For my contents page I have used the same colours as my front cover to create a theme and to make the magazine simple and easy to follow.  The main colours I have used are pink, blue and green. I have positioned the title of the page clearly at the top so the reader can see what the page is about. This makes the cover simple and easy to understand. I have included an image under the title to make the page more interesting it also matches one of the stories on the contents page which can grab the readers attention. I have included another image to the bottom left of the page as it opposite from the other image making it look neat and less crowded. I have positioned the page titles and numbers in a table format this makes it easier for the reader to read. This also means that the reader will be able to find the page they want to read quickly and easily. All of my story titles indicate it is a college magazine because it includes everything students need to know this would then sell my magazine. For my two images on the contents page I have used students in them, I have used colourful college outfits to match the target audience. I have used a large bold font size for the title of the contents page to make it the first thing your eyes come to. I have used the same size font for all the story titles to make it look professional and organised.

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